Most times, we’re focused on trusting God and seeking His help to achieve our goals or desires.
Have we ever stopped to think “can God trust me to do what He’s called me to do?”
– Can God trust me to remain faithful when things aren’t going well?
– Can God trust me to do what He’s called me to do, even when it seems like there’s nothing in it for me?
– Can God trust me not to give up just because it’s hard?
– Can God trust me to give Him the glory?
God can trust us!
We have received His gifts and talents. We can be everything God uniquely created us to be. Sometimes, we pray to God to bless something, when we haven’t actually prayed to ask if that is what we should even be doing. We should be faithful, not just willful.
Some of us live and work with the notion that our talents exist simply for us to make a lot of money. No, God gave us talents to benefit others as well as ourselves, but more importantly to fulfill His purpose.
For some of us (especially introverts), we hate being disturbed or distracted. It’s not our 24 hours, it’s God’s time that we need to use well. Sometimes, we need to allow ourselves to be interrupted for God’s will.
Our new perspective!
God can trust us with the work that He has given us to do on this earth.
“I will not take my calling for granted.”
“I will always seek God’s face on what I should do. Sometimes I won’t get a clear answer, and sometimes I will, but no matter what, I’ll keep doing the things that bring God glory.”
We are created to do His good pleasure. Let’s keep shining!